
Koimisi tis Theotokou (Dormition of Mother Mary) Church (Platania)
A one-aisled, arch-roofed church, with a semi-cylindrical arch with its origins in the 14th century, built on the ruins of an older church; all its walls are fully covered in murals. The murals date to the 13th and 14th centuries and the most impressive one is the enthroned Mother Mary on the west side and […]

Agioi Asomatoi (The Gathering of the Angels) (Vafes)
This is a small, one-aisled, arch-roofed church northeast of Vafes hamlet. During the excavation and restoration works it was found that it is built on the ruins of an older church, which seems to have been active as early as the 6th century. This older church was destroyed in the 12th century and replaced by […]

Panagias (Mother Mary) Monastery (Fourfouras)
At the Leivada location, southeast of Fourfouras, there are ruins of the Monastery of Mother Mary (Moni Panagias), which is also known as Panagia sti Leivada (Mother Mary on the Meadow). The only thing preserved from the monastery is a small, arch-roofed, one-aisle church, within which some murals dating back to 1400 have been preserved. […]

Asomaton (Gathering of the Angels) Monastery
The Monastery of Asomatoi is dedicated to the Gathering of the Angels. It was built in the 2nd Byzantine period in the style of a fortress. At the end of the 18th century it was the seat of the Bishop of Lambi. Initially the catholicon (main church) was a one-aisled, arch-roofed church; however, in the […]

Agios Nikolaos (St. Nicholas) (Maza)
This 13th century church has one aisle and an arched roof and under its floor is buried Ioannis Pagomenos, the acclaimed Cretan painter who has painted the murals of this church and of many others in the same area. The interior decoration of the church has been preserved in relatively good condition, with numerous icons […]

Koimisi tis Theotokou (Church of the Dormition) (Alicambos)
The Byzantine church of the Dormition (Koimisis tis theotokou) has one aisle, an arched roof and murals dating 1315, painted by the acclaimed icon painter Ioannis Pagomenos. The church decoration is well-preserved and what stands out is the depiction of the enthroned Mother Mary and scenes from the Gospels.

Panagia ton Dyo Vrachon (Mother Mary of the two rocks) (Fres)
This church which is built on two rocks has one aisle, an arched roof and interesting murals dating to the 13th century, painted using a particular style. Among them stand out the depiction of Abraham’s Hospitality (Philoxenia tou Avraam) and of Panagia Platytera (Our Lady of the Sign).

Agios Georgios (St. George) (Fres)
The church has only one aisle and an arched roof. It dates back to the 14th century and its murals present standing saints and scenes from the Gospel cycle.

Aghios Nikolaos (St. Nicholas) (Kyriakoselia)
The church of St. Nicholas is at the foot of the hill where the early Byzantine Castle controlling the Souda Bay stands. The church was built in the 11th century and initially was a one-isle church with an arched roof and probably a cupola. Then, in the 13th century, after various modifications, the church became […]

Agios Ioannis Theologos (St. John the Divine) (Stylos)
This 12th century two-aisled church is dedicated to St. John the Divine (Theologos) and St. Nicholas. Initially there was only one aisle, and an arched roof, but later a second aisle was added. There are murals dating back to the 13th century, and the one that stands out is the depiction of St. John the […]