Saint George at Meseleroi
The single-nave church of St. George is located at the centre of the settlement of Meseleroi. Its wall painting decoration dates to around 1300 and is partially preserved. The large representation of the Ascension develops on the east section of the barrel-vault, while on the west, are a few representations from the cycle of the Passions of Christ as well as three representations from the Life of St. George. On the north wall, apart from the individual saints, such as the monastics Ephraim the Syrian and Euthymios, the particularly extensive representation of the Second Coming is depicted on the upper part with Christ the Judge, the twelve Apostles and the Choir of Angels while, on the lower part of the wall, is the depiction of hell. The kings and the hierarchs, among the others of the damned, are characteristic figures, recognisable by the signs of their office.