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The Orthodox Academy of Crete (OAC) is a public welfare institution in canonical relationship with the Holy Metropolis of Kissamos and Selinon; it operates under the spiritual auspices of His All Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.

The basic mission of the OAC is the dialogical witness and the liturgical diaconia of Orthodoxy in the modern world; therefore it is devoted to the cultivation of the spirit of dialogue between Orthodoxy and other confessions and religions, and also between faith, science and culture.

Inspired by the platonic tradition of symphilosophein (co-philosophising), the OAC aspires at being a place of dialogue and spiritual exchange in service of God and the human person.

The Orthodox Academy of Crete:

  1. organizes and hosts local, national and international conferences on its own initiative or in cooperation with Churches, universities and other organizations.
  2. develops divers programmes and activities of pedagogical, theological and cultural character (e.g. introductory seminars on Orthodoxy, seminars on icon painting, Cretan gastronomy and nutrition, seminars on Crete, its history and civilization).
  3. produces scientific work in the field of theology and environment.

