
Archangelos Michail (Archangel Michael) (Aradena)
At the edge of the Aradena Gorge, in Sfakia, lies a deserted hamlet of the same name, where the church of Archangel Michael or Astratigos – as Sfakia residents call him – stands. It is a cruciform church with a six-sided cupola with several features of the School of mainland Greece (Helladic), built on the […]

Osia Maria Egyptia (Holy Maria from Egypt) Church (Samaria)
Half way down into the Samaria Gorge lies the deserted village of the same name. Here stands the Byzantine Church of Osia Maria from Egypt, which gave the gorge its name (osiamaria=samaria). This is a one-aisled, arch-roofed church with 14th century murals.

Early Christian Basilica (Frangokastelo)
The ruins of a two-aisled, 6th century basilica with a narthex, dedicated to St. Charalampus and St. John the Divine (Theologos). On the site of the sanctum of this early Christian basilica, a church dedicated to Archangel Michael – whom the Sfakia residents call Astratigos, a corruption of the name Archistratigos, i.e. Commander- in- chief […]

Agios Nikitas (St. Nicetas) (Frangokastelo)
Northeast of Frangokastelo stands the 13th church of St. Niketas, built on the ruins of an early Christian Basilica. St. Niketas is a one-aisled church and was built with architectural members of the old basilica, including two marble pillars. The floor mosaic is also that of the old basilica.

Agios Georgios (St. George) (Fourfouras)
St. George stands at the Mourtzes or Mourtza location, southeast of the village. It is a one-aisled, arch-roofed church, built on the ruins of an older church, and it dates from the 15th century. The murals are preserved in good condition and originated in the first half of the 15th century.

Koimisi tis Theotokou (Dormition of Mother Mary) Church (Platania)
A one-aisled, arch-roofed church, with a semi-cylindrical arch with its origins in the 14th century, built on the ruins of an older church; all its walls are fully covered in murals. The murals date to the 13th and 14th centuries and the most impressive one is the enthroned Mother Mary on the west side and […]

Agioi Asomatoi (The Gathering of the Angels) (Vafes)
This is a small, one-aisled, arch-roofed church northeast of Vafes hamlet. During the excavation and restoration works it was found that it is built on the ruins of an older church, which seems to have been active as early as the 6th century. This older church was destroyed in the 12th century and replaced by […]

Koimisi tis Theotokou (Dormition of Mother Mary) Church (Thronos)
This is a one-aisle, tile-roofed church of the 14th century, built on the ruins of an older Metropolitan church. The coats of arms of the Kallergis’ family are also found in this church, which means that it probably belonged to them. The murals dating from the 13th and 14th centuries include an impressive enthroned Madonna […]
The Basilica of Syvritos (Thronos)
The ruins of this early Christian basilica were discovered in 1983. It is a three-aisled church with a wooden roof and narthex, divided in three parts. The south aisle is from the 6th century and the east part from the 14th century. Mosaic floors are preserved in the church interior.

Theotokou (Mother Mary) Church (Patsos)
The church dedicated to the Nativity of Mother Mary is an ordinary four-pillar in the square church with a cupola. Although it is in ruins, its walls are still standing. It was built in two phases. The first one dates back to the 11th or 12th century and its extensive reconstruction to the 14th century. […]