St. John the Divine

Agios Ioannis Theologos (St. John the Divine) (Stylos)
This 12th century two-aisled church is dedicated to St. John the Divine (Theologos) and St. Nicholas. Initially there was only one aisle, and an arched roof, but later a second aisle was added. There are murals dating back to the 13th century, and the one that stands out is the depiction of St. John the […]

Holy Monastery of Toplou
The monastery of Toplou or the Akrotiriani [All-Holy Virgin of the Cape], as it is called due to its position in the eastern corner of Crete, is one of the most renowned and important monasteries of the island. Its establishment probably dates to the late 14th century, a period during which the original catholicon was […]

The church of St. John the Divine (Agios Ioannis Theologos) (Elos)
At the centre of the village of Elos there is the one-hall church covered with arches, dedicated to St. John the Divine (Theologos), with important mural decoration. The paintings are attributed to Ioannis Pagomenos, a well-known painter from western Crete.