Venetian rule

Holy Monastery of Saint George the Vrachasotes
Even though the oldest reference to the monastery dates to 1549, during the abbotship of Joachim Kontoioannes, the dating of the wall-painted north aisle of the catholicon to the 14th century, places the first use of the space to an earlier period. Indeed, the heyday of the monastery, as can be determined from the surviving […]

Kallergis Monastery (Kastelli)
Kallergis Monastery was built during the era of Venetian rule. It is dedicated to Saint John the Baptist and it is a glebe of Vidiani Monastery of the Lassithi Plateau. It was built at the site of an older monastery, with ruins of its cells surviving in the nearby church of Profitis Ilias. The monastery […]

Church of Sotiras Christos (Christ the Redeemer) (Partira)
In the hamlet of Mikri Episkopi, approximately 1 km away from Partira, lie the ruins of the episcopal church of Sotiras Christos, dating back to the era of Venetian rule, when the settlement was the seat of the diocese of Arcadia. It is built in the cruciform domed style and parts of its walls, columns […]

Holy Monastery of Apezana
The monastery of Apezana is located on the west side of the sierra of Asterousia and north of Kaloi Limenes (Fair Havens) in an area with a significant monastic tradition. The earliest known mention of the monastery is dated to the middle of the 16th century, even though it is likely that the existence of […]

Holy Monastery of Odegetria
The monastery of Odegetria [All-Holy Virgin ‘She who leads the Way’] is located to the southwest of the sierra of Asterousia between the settlement of Listaro and the bay of Kaloi Limenes in an area with a continuous monastic presence for centuries. Even though the catholicon of the monastery has mural paintings of the 14th […]

Holy Monastery of Valsamonero
Even though the exact date of the foundation of the monastery is unknown, it may have been constructed in the 14th century, the same date as the original church, which today is the aisle of the All-Holy Virgin. The abbot, Jonas Palamas, was a leading figure of the monastery in the early 15th century, who […]

Holy Monastery of Vrontisi
The monastery of St. Anthony at Vrontisi is located at the southern feet of the sierra of Psiloreites, at a distance of around 2 kilometres from the settlement of Zaros. Even though the first written references to the monastery date to the early 15th century, it is possible that it was founded much earlier. The […]

Holy Monastery of Areti
The monastery was founded at the end of the 16th century by Markos Papadopoulos, who also bequeathed it great wealth, enough for the upkeep of twelve monks. Notary documents confirm its peak during the 17th century as they mention the multitude of its transactions with other monasteries or individuals. Despite its destruction by the Turks […]

Holy Metropolis of Petra and Cherronesos
The Metropolis of Petra and Cherronesos with the historical capital of the county of Lasithi, Neapolis, as its seat, occupies the northwest part of the county of Lasithi and the southeast part of the county of Heraklion. It was created with the recent union of the abolished – since 1900 – Diocese of Cherronesos and […]

Panagia Barotsani (Virgin Mary of Barotsiana) (Argyropoulis)
A 13th century single-space shingled church dedicated to the Virgin Mary, situated in the ‘Barotsiana’ district. The Barotsides were nobles during the Venetian era and the broader region of Argyropoulis was their fief. The décor of the church, also known as ‘Panagia tou Barotsi’, is of the late gothic style. A smaller church dedicated to […]