timber-roofed basilica

All – Holy Virgin Almyri
The church of the All-Holy Virgin Almyri [‘Salty’] is located on the eastern side of the homonymous gorge and at a distance of about one kilometre from the settlement of Vourvoulites. It is a twin-naved church in the centre of a courtyard surrounded by recently built guest houses which are used by the many pilgrims […]

The Early Christian Basilicas of Kastri at Chersonesos
In the modern settlement of Limenas at Chersonesos, which has been built atop the ancient city of Cherronesos, three basilicas have been discovered, indicative of the great prosperity of the settlement also during the early Byzantine period when it was the seat of the homonymous ancient diocese. The most important of these, the basilica B, […]

Early Christian Basilica (Vizari)
It is an early Christian basilica situated just outside the hamlet at a location called Ellinika. It is a three-aisled basilica with a narthex and a wooden roof, dedicated to Mother Mary and St. Vlasius and St.Theodore. It dates from the 6th century and was altered during the 8th or 9th century. It was probably […]